No. 2 Scholarly Contributions from the Membership and Others
Research Articles
Reptiles and Amphibians of Boy Scout Camp Linwood-Hayne: Results from an Undergraduate-Initiated Three Year Opportunistic Inventory
Thomas M. Luhring
Does the Number of Lectures a Week Make a Difference in the Learning of Concepts and Retention of Students in College Algebra?
Andreas Lazari
Amphiuma (Caudata: Amphiumidae) from the Pleistocene Clark Quarry Local Fauna of Coastal Georgia
Dennis Parmley, Josh Clark, and Alfred J. Mead
Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus) as Feed for the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis Daudin)
Michael Bodri and Elizabeth R. Cole
Correlation of Sex, Age, and Body Mass with Hoof Size in White-Tailed Deer from the Piedmont Wildlife Refuge, Georgia
Ben Batchelor and Alfred J. Mead
Wideband Photometry of Saturn in 2006-2007
Richard W. Schmude Jr.
Enumeration and Identification of Selected Bacteria in Water Samples from the Alapahoochee River System
Jenifer Turco Ph.D. and James A. Nienow