
Benchmarking of SRNL Environmental Dosimetry Codes to GENII Version 2.10.1


GENII2.10.1 is a dosimetry program developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that recently passed DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) safety software quality assurance and was approved for DOE’s safety software Central Registry. The GENII 2.10.1 system compiles several programs for estimating radiation dose, risk and cancer incident due to routine radionuclide releases into the environment. Methods for calculating dose include aqueous, atmospheric, individual, populations, chronic releases, and acute releases. The available methods include atmospheric transport, surface water transport, waste/soil redistribution, and terrestrial uptake. Current Site input parameters had to be verified, and unknown Site parameters had to be defined and tested for GENII 2.10.1 calculations. This project transferred current SRS models, usage parameters, transfer factors, bioaccumulation factors and uploaded them to the GENII 2.10.1 environmental dosimetry code for use at the Savannah River Site and was tested to demonstrate SRS is in compliance with DOE Order 458.1 (2011a).

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