


Planetary habitability is typically defined by whether an Earth-sized planet resides within the habitable zone (i.e., region where liquid surface water is possible). However, the ubiquity of lifeforms on Earth’s surface additionally depends on the distribution of light reaching the surface. We explore this dependence on Kepler-62f using a classic toy model called DaisyWorld, which couples the physical properties of two theoretical species of daisy with the surface temperature. Our modeled surface temperatures vary with latitude and are derived from a 1D energy balance climate model assuming an Earth-like obliquity. We find that our more realistic model introduces a seasonal dependence on the daisy population with the dark colored daisies dominating higher latitudes. Temperature-dependent extremophiles are a prime suspect for the last common universal ancestor of life on Earth, which makes our results using a temperature dependent daisy an important stepping-stone to broader investigations for life beyond our Solar System.

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