Oval BA is the second largest oval storm on Jupiter. It formed in 2000 when two white ovals named BE and FA merged. Since then, the writer has measured this feature's position, size and velocity. From this information, the rate at which this oval's position changes with respect to Jupiter's magnetic field, can be measured. The writer also studied images of it made by Earth-based observers and spacecraft. Several conclusions can be made from these studies. Firstly, Oval BA's mean speed increased in 2019. this increase continued through at least early 2024. This increase may have been caused by this oval moving to a more southernly latitude. Secondly, its area grew in the early 2000s but has since decreased back to its size in 2000. Thirdly, there is a correlation between the mean latitude of Oval BA and its speed. The speed increased as the latitude moved farther south. Finally, JUNO images show that the center of Oval BA underwent a color change between 2018 and 2022. Based on JUNO images, Oval BA started off as having a cream-colored interior in late 2018. Its central area started turning darker in 2019 and by late 2020, the interior was orange. A white core then developed in the orange interior in early 2021. The centeral white area continued to grow. By early 2022, Oval BA's interior once again had a cream color.
Recommended Citation
Schmude, Richard W. Jr.
Georgia Journal of Science, Vol. 83, No. 1, Article 40.
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