


We have measured the V-filter brightness of the semi-regular variable star RZ-Arietis 69 times since November 8, 2023. Our measurements were made with a filter closely matching the Johnson V-band. We measured four periods rainging from 38 to 60 days. (The period is the length of of time for the star to go from brightness maxima to the next brightness maxima.) Our results are consistent with two different primary periods for this star (~38 and ~58 days). This is consistent with previous studies. Our results were compared to previously reported brightness measurements in the American Association of Variabile Star Observers (AAVSO) database. As of early 2024, the AAVSO database had 909 V-filter brightness values. Schmude measured 19 periods from this database. Therefore, we have 23 total periods. The mean period length is 51 days with a standard deviation of 12 days. We also conclude that the primary period can change by over 35 % in two months. The mean brightness, covering all stages in the bightness cycle for different apparitions was also measured. We conclude that the mean brightness remained near magnitude 5.75 for most of the time between 1983 and early 2021, but dropped suddenly to 5.95 in late 2021. An apparition is the period between July and the following March when RZ-Aries is far enough from the Sun to be studied.

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